MZHF Board Satisfaction Survey 2021 Name (optional) Which Director classification are you?*Select oneFederationUCSFAt LargeDon’t KnowHow long have you been on the MZHF Board?*Select one3 years or lessMore than 3 yearsBOARD MEETINGSUse the following rating for your answers below: 1 = agree 2 = somewhat agree 3 = not sure 4 = somewhat disagree 5 = disagree The number and length of Board meetings are appropriate and enable the Board to do its work well.*12345There is sufficient discussion at Board meetings to thoughtfully decide the issues before the Board*12345Please indicate your level of engagement at Board meetings by choosing a response to: "I feel engaged at Board meetings"*12345Remote meetings provide the opportunity for meetings of shorter duration because there is no travel time. While we continue to be required to have remote meetings, rate your order of preference for the Board’s remote meeting schedule per fiscal year, with "1" being your preference*Enter the number (using 1 to 4) in order of preference in the box below each option. Current meeting schedule: four 2-hour meetings per fiscal yearTwo 2-hour meetings and four 1-hour meetingsOne 2-hour meeting and six 1-hour meetingsEight 1-hour meetingsZoom provides meeting flexibility to the Board even after we can return to in-person meetings. Rate your order of preference for the Board’s future meeting schedule, per fiscal year, when in-person meetings are permitted, with "1" being your preference*Enter the number (using 1 to 4) in order of preference in the box below each option.Current meeting schedule: four 2-hour in-person meetings per fiscal yearHybrid Meeting Schedule: two 2-hour in-person meetings and four 1-hour Zoom meetingsCurrent meeting schedule plus 3-hour retreat every 3 yearsHybrid meeting schedule plus 3-hour retreat every 3 yearsFill in alternative suggestions for Board meeting schedulesIf next year’s Board schedule is modified, how much notice do you need to accommodate your schedule*Select one3 months6 months9 months12 monthsBOARD ENGAGEMENT AND EFFECTIVENESSUse the following rating for your answers below: 1 = agree 2 = somewhat agree 3 = not sure 4 = somewhat disagree 5 = disagree My expertise and abilities are being used by the Board effectively*12345I have a clear sense of MZHF’s mission, its committee structure and my work towards it*12345The present committee structure enables the Board to fulfill its responsibilities well*12345I know a lot about what other committees do*12345How should we measure the effectiveness of the Fund*(Choose any that apply) Our current practices are sufficient Develop a quantitative measurement system for all grants Develop a qualitative measurement system for all grants Employ a 3rd party to develop and maintain a measurement system for all grants Require more rigorous results-based conclusions from grantees Fill in your own suggestions My suggestions Can we improve the impact of the Fund by*(Choose any that apply) Communicating MZHF’s grants to the local communities being served Promoting the projects funded by MZHF Hosting an annual forum on the projects being funded by MZHF None of the above Fill in your own suggestions My suggestions BOARD SATISFACTIONUse the following rating for your answers below: 1 = agree 2 = somewhat agree 3 = not sure 4 = somewhat disagree 5 = disagree I find serving on the Board to be a satisfying and rewarding experience*12345I find serving on the Board to be a satisfying and rewarding experience because of*(Check any that apply) Its connection to the Mt. Zion Legacy Providing funding to medical research that may not receive funding through more traditional paths Being able to impact the health of the local community Receiving positive responses from the communities we serve The opportunity to connect with and learn from other MZHF directors It employs and promotes Jewish values in local health-related initiatives Fill in your own reasons My reason: Do you have any suggestions for what could make Board meetings more engaging and satisfying for you?Do you have any suggestions to improve the manner and effectiveness in which the Board performs its functions?CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.